Curiosity | Innovation | Result


Imagine technology that allows your clients to access their information from anywhere, where they can stroll into your cyber office, navigate through an organised and tidy online filing cabinet and download what they require at their leisure without consuming your time and resources.

Cloud Client Portal

This module allows your clients to access their information from anywhere. Also, with detailed communication logs, no client can claim that they did not receive the information and as an extra buffer the file uploaded by your office is available at any time. As an added feature we have created categories where your clients can upload important confidential information.

Cloud Submissions Manager

Keep a tidy online filing cabinet, that can easily be accessed by you and your staff. This function works hand in hand with the client portal, as the same files uploaded can be accessed by both staff and clients.
Our integrated reporting module tells you whether predetermined services (VAT201, EMP201 etc.) have been completed by automatically searching through each client’s online portal to identify whether the required documentation was uploaded or not.

Cloud Client Communications

Standardise your communication, to ensure that a professional and accurate system generates a message which reaches your clients.
After an accountant submits documentation to a third party (SARS, Dept of Labour, CIPC etc.), proof of submission must be uploaded to the Cloud Client Portal through DocShareSmart. This module automatically sends a pre-drafted email to your client, with the particular document attached and instructions on how to proceed.


Through uploading of a submission result, this module recognises that the task was completed and automatically updates high-risk reports to facilitate decision making and improve planning.

See Full Overview